Cognitive Brain Testing

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Cognitive Brain Testing

Postby pamelasp » Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:15 am

Well everyone I have finally persuaded my (private neurologist) to refer me for
extensive cognitive brain testing. There are only two specialists in the whole
of the UK that do these intricate brain tests that I so desperetly need. And my
appointment came through today with one of these specialist's in Harley Street,
London - and my insurance company said - YES they will foot the bill! Nearly
£1000 with taxes.Wow what a result. Hopefully in May I will have all the
evidence that I need to take my case forward - and to get treatment - if there
is any.Isn't it fantastic? Pamela :
Posts: 6
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Postby Brian C. » Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:51 am

Well done Pamela! A result indeed :)
Another step on the way to vindication and, hopefully, justice.

Brian C.
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Postby Allen1 » Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:23 pm

Hi there Pamela, that certainly is a good result.

I started to read your first post and replies to familiarize myself with what you have gone through. I never even managed to read all the replies before getting so tired that I had to go for a lye down, from the replies I read, these problems are not at all rare are they. A lot of your replies are from others that basically have had similar tests to my own, ie MRI and nerve conduction tests etc although one reply also mentioned he had a brain biopsy and spinal tap. I don't have ME but since statins I am easily fatigued both mentally and physically, I really do hope you get some answers from your private neurologist, the NHS neurologist I saw was in total ignorance about statins (just like me at that particular time), If only I knew then what I know now.

Good luck with your appointment Pamela :)

All the very best,
Allen :)
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