AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Football Hangover Day Pt 2

National Football Hangover Day Pt 2

It is pretty common for people to need a day to recover. It is estimated that 11 million people will schedule time off for the day after the super bowl, and an additional 5 million will call out sick. Your boss will probably know that you are not really sick, and the best move to make is to schedule time off well in advance.

Another option is to plan for success (or at least damage control). Take a nap before the game, and stay hydrated by drinking a glass of water between every alcoholic drink. Eat healthy food throughout the day so that you won’t end up in a food coma from binging on nachos. Though there is no cure for hangovers, food can really help with the effects. Drink Gatorade the morning after and eat eggs, which contain an amino acid called cysteine that can break down acetaldehyde (a byproduct produced when your liver breaks down ethanol). Eggs are also high in B vitamins, which studies have shown to help with hangover symptoms. Bananas boost your potassium levels back up to normal, which helps you feel fresh even after celebrating.

Posted in: Healthcare

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