Solid proof of Statin Toxicity

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Solid proof of Statin Toxicity

Postby cjbrooksjc » Tue Aug 06, 2019 2:36 pm

Hello, all. It's been a while, but here is more concrete proof of Statin toxicity and the pharmaceutical industry's malevolent attempts to cover up the truth.
Copy and link, but exclude the asterisks first. Warning: this is a lengthy document.

Independent Study Proof of cognitive impairment due to Statin use:
** ... GIIN6B1L08

The Statin toxicity case of Nobel Laureate Vernon Smith:
** ... al-advice/


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Re: Solid proof of Statin Toxicity

Postby damaged » Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:22 pm

Seems as though you're one of the few semi-active members here. I've yet to find any hint of a method to deal with the pain and weakness. I just returned from seeing a new doctor. I had heard that he was good and hoped that there had been some new insight as far as treatment. He seemed completely unaware that there was a problem with statins. He referred me to a couple of neurologists in hopes that they might suggest something. I correct in assuming that there has been zero gained as far as methods of treatment? its been 23 years of pain and muscle degeneration. All the while encountering doctors that appear to be completely in the dark. A few years ago, I read that the VA had completed a 10 year study showing the mortality rate among those using statin therapy to be exactly the same as those not taking statins. Yet, A day ago I watched a video interview with a doctor Kilpecky that headed up the statin intolerance clinic at Mayo. He spoke of the "proven" benefits of statins. I corresponded with this guy. He told me that he's seen individuals with PERMANENT muscle damage after a single dose of statin.
What about the Veterans administration's 10 year study??

very discouraging. Has anyone found solid relief?
sorry. just needed to vent, I guess.
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Re: Solid proof of Statin Toxicity

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Aug 11, 2019 2:30 pm

I am still impaired, but keep taking the supplements and trying to get a leg up. I'll continue to do that. No one has developed a reliable test to determine if an individual is Statin-Intolerant; that, it seems to me, would be a good platform for responsible medicine. I've stopped decrying the lost abilities and keep putting one foot in front of the other. I am a RARE visitor to the site. Keep trying; it's all we can do it seems.


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