9 days into dramatic improvement

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Postby Biologist » Sun Aug 12, 2012 7:44 pm

That was a good pdf you posted.

I tested OK on DHEA the only time I checked it several years ago. That means I was within the lab's "reference range" for my age without supplementing at the time. I still take it once or twice a week at 25 mg. I may start taking it more often. It will raise my testosterone level at 100 mg per day because I tested before and after several years ago. You have to test for estrogen dominance from conversion though, so that means a little lab testing. I now inject testosterone regularly. The statin damage caused a problem with my pituitary gland we believe, so signals to make testosterone were cut off. I take anastrozole to control estrogen conversion (which can happen with DHEA too). My guess is mercury from amalgam fillings contrubuted to the problem.

I take 25 mg of pregnenolone every day per advice from my doctor -- unless I overlook it which happens days on end sometimes. I believe it is a precurser for DHEA. DHEA is an interesting hormone. It is known as a all purpose molecule that can convert different directions once it crosses cell membranes. That lady's experience is a good example.

Protecting from brain cell death is a new one on me. I may starting taking it more regularly again.

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Re: 9 days into dramatic improvement

Postby schatzi » Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:06 pm

[quote="David Staup"]A bit more than a week ago I started taking about 5 mg of Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) every 3 hours and the results have been dramatic! I have seen improvements both physically and mentally.


I read your post on this. Very interesting. I have many of the same issues as what you describe, certainly could use the help.

I recently underwent cancer treatment, R-Chop to be exact. The first chemo treatment was absolutely horrifying. It had to be broken off, was taken to the emergency center to recuperate. I had incredible chest pain. Each subsequent R-Chop treatment was almost a breeze; after the first incident they started before each treatment with an infusion of Benadryl. I do not know the dosage that was used, however it seemed to make all the difference in the world.

After reading your post I will certainly ask my oncologist about the dosage and the relationship of Benadryl and the treatment. So far the treatment seem to have been successful, I am in metabolic remission. Next week I will be back in Houston at MD Anderson for follow up and/or re-staging.
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Postby David Staup » Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:41 pm

One of the links is to benadryl and cancer treatment at very low dose.

Did they also have you on magnesium???

One thing has occured to me .....

anyone who has autoimmune hypothyroid and is on a suppliment should be aware that your thyroid function may improve and cause an episode of hyperthyroid.....I'm not sure how to handle this so talk to your doctor.
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Postby schatzi » Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:42 pm

[quote="David Staup"]One of the links is to benadryl and cancer treatment at very low dose.

Did they also have you on magnesium???

One thing has occured to me .....

anyone who has autoimmune hypothyroid and is on a suppliment should be aware that your thyroid function may improve and cause an episode of hyperthyroid.....I'm not sure how to handle this so talk to your doctor.[/quote]

Yes, 500mg Magnesium Dioxide 3x daily. Magnesium level were very low during treatment. Still taking 500mg 2x daily. I am not aware of any thyroid problems, but will mention it on my visit next week.
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Postby David Staup » Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:23 am

OK the magnesium and benadryl together are, I suspect, a key.

this :

"2. These compounds also inhibit the reversal of swelling induced by ATP and Mg2+ or Mn2+."

in the abstract here:


probably explains the mechanism, but that's just my guess.

I'll be very interested in your doctors response....If I'm reading your situation correctly he's likely to say go for it......

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Postby David Staup » Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:28 am

Oh, one more thing:

There MAY be a benifit, for you, in switching to magnesium citrate...
It may help support the "citric acid cycle", one of the mitochondrial mechanisms of metabolism....

mention this also

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Postby David Staup » Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:58 am

even one more thing, please

Ask your oncologist if there are forms of cancer where this would be contraindicated......

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Postby David Staup » Fri Aug 17, 2012 2:37 pm


I just realized, in a flash of understanding the obvious, the significance of the following from an earlier post:

" Glutathione esters and ascorbate protect against the lethal and other effects of glutathione deficiency. Ascorbate spares glutathione; it increases mitochondrial glutathione in glutathione-deficient animals. Glutathione esters delay onset of scurvy in ascorbate-deficient guinea pigs; thus, glutathione spares ascorbate. Glutathione and ascorbate function together in protecting mitochondria from oxidative damage"

Ascorbate spares glutathione!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I take 12 grams of vitamin C (ascorbate) daily. Looking back I can see the small improvements I've made over the past three or four years occured as I increased my intake.

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Postby David Staup » Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:18 am


google "post stroke apoptosis"

then google "post heart attack apoptosis"

I am overwhelmed at the potenetial benifits of low dose benadryl.

what do you think????

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Postby Biologist » Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:03 pm


I think you will find this of interest. Statins also impact this biochemical badly and enhancing it increases ATP. I believe increasing this bodily chemical lowers inappropriate cell death:


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Postby David Staup » Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:20 pm

[quote="David Staup"]Biologist,

I just realized, in a flash of understanding the obvious, the significance of the following from an earlier post:

" Glutathione esters and ascorbate protect against the lethal and other effects of glutathione deficiency. Ascorbate spares glutathione; it increases mitochondrial glutathione in glutathione-deficient animals. Glutathione esters delay onset of scurvy in ascorbate-deficient guinea pigs; thus, glutathione spares ascorbate. Glutathione and ascorbate function together in protecting mitochondria from oxidative damage"

Ascorbate spares glutathione!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I take 12 grams of vitamin C (ascorbate) daily. Looking back I can see the small improvements I've made over the past three or four years occured as I increased my intake.


Did you miss this??
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Postby Biologist » Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:08 pm

I have been taking near that amount recently too.

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Postby David Staup » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:22 pm

I'm getting ready to start adding the following:

melatonin ~ 1 mg 3x per day to start

DHEA ~ 12.5 mg 3x per day to start

N acetylcystein ~ 100 mg 3x per day to start

and probably double my dose of alpha lipoic acid.

and possibly add whey protein

You know it would be way more telling if I had started this before the benadryl....

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Postby schatzi » Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:03 pm

[quote="David Staup"]OK the magnesium and benadryl together are, I suspect, a key.

"2. These compounds also inhibit the reversal of swelling induced by ATP and Mg2+ or Mn2+."

in the abstract here:

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar ... 0261904498

probably explains the mechanism, but that's just my guess.

I'll be very interested in your doctors response....If I'm reading your situation correctly he's likely to say go for it......


The response: no issue with benadryl, except perhaps the drowsiness it would cause, i.e. driving etc. I do have an issue with drowsiness when I take 50mg or more of benadryl. Obviously very low dose would be the answer. Haven't started yet, I am very cautious about things.

BTW, where do you get liquid form of benadryl, is it in capsules or gel caps?

Overall the Dr. had no issue with taking the suggested supplements now that I am past chemo for several month. If it makes me feel better, go for it. He continued the magnesium. Can you explain the difference between taking Mag Dioxide and Mag Citrate?

I am sorry I forgot to ask about contraindication with other cancers. Will ask when I go back next time in two month. Sorry.

The PET was good, no evidence of active cancer, still in remission. Best news, four month now.
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Postby David Staup » Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:48 am

Dear I am so happy for you!

The differance between the two magnesiums is the molecule it comes as part of.
The reason I suggest the citrate is citrates convert to citric acid (once the mag is removed) and citric acid is a substantial part of metabolism in the mitochondria.

I get the dye free in the "liqua gels". pierce one end with a pin and squeeze out one drop at a time. one drop is a little under 5mg. You will get 5 drops plus a bit left over.
if you have no problems with dyes then 5 mg is 1 ml of the adult liquid or 2 ml of the childrens. The normal adult dose is 25 mg so you are getting only 20% of that. If you get drowsey I would cut the dose in half and try that, but I don't think you will...There is one antianxiety med that the combination of the two, even at the low dose, will make you drowsey, just check for interactions with any meds you are taking that the oncologist may not have you were taking.

I mix my own electrolyte drink and just add the one drop to a 1 gulp amount of that.

No problem that you forgot to ask about other cancers. I can try other sources.

Please keep me updated, either here or by direct email, I still gathering data and every bit helps... :-)

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Postby Biologist » Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:18 pm


I think your supplement list and protocol look real good. Similar to mine. My doctor, who reminds me of this guy, also recommends I take 30 mgs of pregnenolone. You may want to add some of it as it is also cited as raising glutathione.


Did I already include this YouTube video link for you somewhere?

Here's some info on pregnenolone.


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Postby David Staup » Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:07 am


I have difficulties watching videos for information. I'm going to watch it but haven't yet. I'm a reader

I took pregnenolone for a short time as part of a regime to address adrenal fatigue four years ago....50 mg. I still have the majority of them but they're a year out of date...

I'm going out of town in a couple of weeks and am not going to make these changes until I return.

I'm curious, You started with the supplimentation to increase glutathione first then added the benadryl.....I'm guessing that you may see different results from the benadryl than I....I'm guessing that you may not see any great improvement but WILL see a dramatic difference in recovery time after a crash.....If so, that may allow for benadryl use "when necessary" rather than daily?????

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Postby Biologist » Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:39 pm

I rarely "view" the videos myself. I have fatigue problems and need to lay down during the day when I can. When I do, I play a video and just listen to it from my laptop as I rest with my eyes closed. This keeps me from wasting time. I can educate myself some and stilll get refreshed a bit.

Here is my most recent one. Pretty profound. It is interesting to get the benefit of how others understand the world. You may get a chance to listen to it sometime. It is a long one. The guy backs up something you suggested/theorized one time, I believe -- having to do with sociological implications of an increasing population. I think you cited the bad behavior of rodents in over-crowded environments? I believe it was you who did.


My interest in glutathione is mainly recent as I have been getting my mercury load down.

I have been using benadryl mainly at night in small amounts. I still have the "grogginess factor" to deal with during the day. But I have been using it more.

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Postby David Staup » Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:02 pm

"I think you cited the bad behavior of rodents in over-crowded environments? I believe it was you who did."

yea it was me.....good memory pull....

as I recall the study showed all kinds of agressive behavoir including infanticide....

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Postby David Staup » Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:40 am

It just struck me:

"1. It is shown that a number of antihistamine drugs which prevent liver injury inhibit mitochondrial swelling at concentrations at which they do not affect electron transport or oxidative phosphorylation."

leads me to believe that the groggy fealing comes because oxy/phos and the ETC are affected. If you are still getting groggy from the 5 mg try dropping to 1 mg and if you do not get groggy then adjust up until you start feeling the grogginess then drop back 1 notch...

At 5mg I don't get groggy at all...we are all different....

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