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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:51 pm
by sue
My doctor put me on Vytorin about 2 months ago even though I objected because I have fibromyalgia which in itself is so painful. In the past few weeks I noticed that I was hurting all over and was so fatigued that I could barely raise my arms. Also, I started having chest pains that I had never had before. Finally, when I felt as if I could not make it one more day, I made an appointment to see the nurse practictioner who works for my doctor. As soon as she looked at the chart, she told me to stop taking the Vytorin immediately. I can not believe a doctor would put me on something that he knew that had all these adverse reactions especially when he knew I had fibromyalgia. I have stopped the Vytorin but it has only been three days so I am not feeling any better. Those of you who have gone through this can you tell me if I will get better? I am just so depressed from all this pain. Thanks for reading this! Sue

PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:45 pm
by Darrell
After I quit Zocor (Simvastatin), I got a bit better in a few days. Mainly the fatigue lifted. Then I started Q10 and the muscle problems improved significantly. Then I still had some exercise intolerance, ache, and late-day weakness in my leg for 16 months until I started L-Carnitine, but there was some improvement over the 16 months. I say that because I often needed a cane during the earlier times, but I rarely needed it later on. Hang in there and consider starting Q10.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 5:21 pm
by greens4christ
Sue, you should get an xray to see if you have any problems with the lining of your lungs. That maybe causing your chest pain.
My husbands doc did not check for it. An ER did an exray and found it.