Muscle Biopsy

A message board to discuss personal experiences of Lipitor and its effects.

Reply for "sheltie57"

Postby sos_group_owner » Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:08 am

Re: I tried to buy L-Carnitine on the weekend.
Seems that Health Canada has pulled it off of the store shelves.

Hi Sheltie57,

Look for Acetyl L-Carnitine. Acetyl-L-carnitine is a delivery form for both
L-carnitine and acetyl groups (more benefit).

Good luck with your muscle biopsy results. Maybe your Dr just wants
to give you the "good news" in person.

See separate email about ordering CoQ10 (and other supplements) online.

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Postby sheltie57 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:17 pm

Well, the neurologist said that there were some abnormalities in my muscle biopsy and some lipid droplets but nothing that indicated a serious problem. Now the plan is to send me for an ishometric forearm test. I'm not sure of the exact name or spelling. Sorry.

And I did try to order L-carnitine over the internet. All sources say that they cannot ship L-carnitine to Canada. From what I can find out, it is available by prescription only in Canada. I'm not sure if I would be able to talk my doctor into prescribing it.

Has anyone here experienced any stomach upset from taking the CoE Q10? I only took one 100 mg gelcap for 3 days and my stomach got very upset. There is definitely a difference from the capsules. I took 2 60 mg pills every day and didn't notice anything like that.
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stomach upset with coq10

Postby sos_group_owner » Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:57 am

Hi Sheltie,

I think I've only had one report of Coq10 upsetting someone's stomach.
Might just be a different brand?

CoQ10 should be taken with vitamin E or your fattiest meal of the day to
get the most benefit. I take acidophilus everyday to maintain intestinal flora
and don't experience any trouble with an upset stomach. Maybe someone
else on the forum can shed some light this topic.

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CoQ10 and stomach upset

Postby Ray Holder » Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:13 am

I read in one of the early papers on Q10 that it could have a nasty effect if a lot of antacid tablets were taken, so that the stomach became more alkaline, when some form of yeast could multiply and cause problems. I wonder if that could be the case here.
Ray Holder
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Postby sheltie57 » Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:55 pm

Ray, you might be on to something there about the stomach being too alkaline. I've been taking raninidene for some time because of too much acid in my stomach. Maybe that's something else I need to stop taking. And I do usually take my CEQ10 with my Vitamin E tablet and my Vitamin C.
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antacid tablets and Coenzyme Q10

Postby Ray Holder » Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:22 pm

I think it is dangerous to take Q10 when you are taking so much antacid.

I have been trying to find the website I saw it on when I first discovered Q10 3 years ago. but there so many hits on Google to go through now I have not been able to track it down. It is the only really bad side effect of Q10, taking it on an alkaline stomach causes a yeast or something like that to grow and multiply, with disastrous results.
I think you will have to cut right down or stop the Raninidene, or not take Q10. the other supplements won't cause the problem.

I have always mentioned the alkaline stomach as a cautionary point to people over here when recommending Q10, but as Q10 is so well known in USA, I didn't feel I needed to mention it.
Sorry, but I feel only you can choose which way to proceed now.
Ray Holder
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Postby SusieQ » Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:06 pm

Hi Ray,

I certainly appreciate all your information.
Is this the link you are looking for?
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Q10 & Acetyl-L-Carnitine

Postby woody » Sun Jul 30, 2006 5:25 am


I get Q10 120mg £12 for 30, less if you buy more and Acetyl -L- Carnitine
500mg £7.50 for 90 from, +44 1889 578878.

They are the cheapest in the UK.

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Q10 and carnitine

Postby Ray Holder » Sun Jul 30, 2006 9:34 am

Hi Woody,
Thanks for the website, their Q10 is a lot cheaper than mine, but it does not include Vit E. However as I take 600 mg a day, I probably get more Vit E than I need, so shall probably try some for a part of my daily dose, it appears to be good quality material. I had some a month or two ago which was useless, although the description seemed all right.

Watch out for any sign of muscle wastage, and change over to Lcarnitine from acyl if you do, I believe that acyl only takes the waste products away from the muscles and does not help get the fat fuel in to them, so possibly causing wastage.

Ray Holder
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Lipid droplets

Postby Ray Holder » Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:16 am


Looking back to your post of 20th July, I see you mentioned lipid droplets were in your muscle biopsy. I am sure that the accumulation of lipids in the muscle is a sign of Carnitine deficiency, as the lipids cannot get used if there is no carnitine to transport them into the mitochondria where energy is produced

I have just had another look at the paper on the web by Fernando Scaglia on Carnitine deficiency, just type in his name and carnitine on google, and this will come up. It is mainly about infant illness, but it very authoritative and your doctor could see the info on Secondary Carnitine deficiency. It doesn't mention statins, but quotes some other meds which can trigger it off. It says lifelong supplementation may be needed, and also mentions Q10

Ray Holder
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Postby woody » Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:08 pm

Hi Ray,

Thanks for the advice. I am not having any problems at the moment and since taking this, the pain has stayed away, however, I spoke to my sister to-day and found out she has been taking this for a number of years and over the last 2 months she has been having pain in both her feet when walking and pains in her arms going down to her fingers ( she is not, and has never been, on any medication, just supplements).

Not sure what to do now, I don't want another problem with my muscles.

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Postby eml256 » Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:03 am

did not see answer to results of the muscle biopsy--could you share them with us???thanks
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