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Lipitor Problems

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:53 pm
by Susan Grayson-Johnson
I'm just an average, run of the mill, middle-aged woman. Two years
ago, I found out that my cholesterol was a bit higher than it should have
been. The internist that I was seeing at the time wrote out a prescription
for Lipitor. I asked a few general questions of the doctor, filled the
prescription and went on my way. I am still paying the price for what could
be one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

I started taking Lipitor in June of 2003. The summer was busy and my husband
and I were doing a lot of entertaining at our home. I was exhausted with
all of the company but loving every opportunity that we had to spend more
time with our friends and family. Mid-July, I suspected that I had pushed
myself a bit too far. I felt achy just about everywhere. It started with a
stiff neck and proceeded to severe pain in my hip muscles and joints. I
could not sleep for the pain. I tried every muscle relaxing cream on the
market, but nothing was helping. By mid-August, I realized that something
was very wrong. I kept trying to convince myself that I was getting better,
but I wasn’t. In fact, I was getting much worse. I had seen the television
ads for Statin drugs that said things like, “If you are experiencing muscle
weakness, contact your doctor immediately.â€

How much CoQ10?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 10:43 pm
by thelinster
Thanks for sharing your story, Susan. How much CoQ10 do you take per day?
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:40 am
by Susan Grayson-Johnson
Hey, I slowly worked up to 200mg daily of CoQ10. They also have me on a host of other vitamins - Flax Seed Oil, Omega-3 Fish Oils, Vitamin B, etc. Still doing my physical therapy everyday and continuing to improve. Thanks, S

Happy for you

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:27 am
Glad you're improving, Susan. Are you by any chance on vitamin C or other supplements related to cholesterol?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:30 am
by Susan Grayson-Johnson
Hi, Yes, Vitamin C daily and Non-Flushing Niacin. In August of this year (2005), we tried something that was endorsed by Dr. Andrew Leismann and it is something called "Cholox" that is supposed to lower cholesterol. Of course, we ran all this by the doctor. You have to work your way up to six pills a day. About three weeks ago, I reached the six pills a day so I am in the process of arranging for a blood test. Will let you know what the results are. At last check, my number was 230 and that was in June. Goggle "Cholox" if interested.

statins and Enbrel

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:58 pm
by shihtzumom
I'm curious. Were you on the Enbrel and statin at the same time? My husband just had a very severe problem with Crestor and severe leg cramps and pain. He has been on Enbrel. I was wondering if there could be a problem with the combination of those two drugs.