[quote="mgguy"] What is PAD? Is that something that may have been triggered by statins, or rather something else that you may have had all along that you thought was an effect of the statins but wasn't? Thanks again for sharing your experiences--very encouraging.[/quote]
PAD is Perpherial Artery Disease aka Perpherial Vascular Disease, from what I understand it is not brought on by statins. But the numbness, burning, and pain such as with the neuropathy are the same symptoms for PAD aka PVD... so my doctor wants to test for that so we do not mistakenly accredit these symptoms to the statins later to find out it is more than that . . .
Today, the pain was worse than is has been in a week...but from what I read this is a common set back. I too wish I could be more assured of a full recovery, it has really been depressing and emotional. Not to mention, my husband and I are supposed to be going on a European cruise in May but without being able to walk more than a few minutes at a time I have a feeling this is going to be miserable, and I found out today I can only get 1/2 of my money back if I cancel the trip now... I really cannot afford to lose that money... so I guess I will endure. If you know of any pain medications that might help me get through my trip without dragging me down too bad... Please let me know. Thanks