Raynaud phenomenon and syndrome are processes in which the autonomic nervous system, particularly the sympathetic nervous system, goes into overdrive, usually in the fingers and toes, hands and feet...causing a sudden vasospasm that causes the affected part to blanch, or go completely pale. This usually happens when the person touches something cold, or walks around on something cold, or in cold weather more than warm. The blanching goes on for some period of time, until the body part, without it's normal circulation turns blue, or cyanotic. After some period of cyanosis, the vasospasm eases up and then the body part turns bright red. The return of circulation is often quite painful.
In the last 6 months, my fingers and toes, already suffering from the ongoing neuropathy, now appear to have Raynaud. Great. So I have been doing some reading. I wondered if the Raynaud was coincidental, or could there be autonomic nerve damage related to statins? I realize that I started having cold hands and feet AFTER the statin issues...I have been wearing socks to bed for the last several years. My dad had this issue, too, and now, I realize he had been on statins too. Great. Anyone else out there?