Coenzyme Q-10 and stomach distress

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Coenzyme Q-10 and stomach distress

Postby BSGfan » Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:05 pm

I find supplementing with Coenzyme Q-10 in the 60-300 mg range daily helps relieve a great deal of my statin induced nerve and muscle pain.

Unfortunately, I have fatty liver syndrome and a hiatal hernia. Despite taking these gelcaps on a full stomach and in small dosages, usually 30 mg five to eight times a day, I find a few days of constant use really aggravates my abdominal discomfort, and I need to go off the supplements for a few days to which time my statin damage symptoms have returned.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to moderate my stomach distress from Co enzyme Q-10 use?

By the way, I have also found that taking 81 mg of buffered aspirin more than twice a week really bothers my tummy as well. Nuts.
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Postby Ray Holder » Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:42 am

Hi BSGfan

Are you taking meds for acid reflux in conjunction with your hiatial problem?

One of the very few side effects of Q10 is the growth of yeast in the stomach, if the stomach becomes alkaline through taking acid neutralisers, not at all desirable.

It is difficult to advise you, it would be best if you could manage without your antacid meds, if possible, but that may not be feasible, although it is probably best to leave them off for a day or two to allow normal acid to form and destroy the yeast growth.

See Caution re Candida on the website below


Ray Holder
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Postby uncle2blade » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:03 am


I had gastro-Intest problems when I first started CoQ10. When I switched to Ubiquinol CoQ10 that seemed to help. I still get a little acid reflux.

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Postby SusieO » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:03 am

BGSfan I could no longer take the daily aspirin due to stomach issues. As far as CoQ10 most brands gave me an awful headache as well as continued reflux problems.

My wellness doctor gave me a brand that he feels is the purest form out there in a gelcap. I am only taking 1 a day at first to see how I do vs. the 2 a day as he suggested.

The brand is XYMOGEN (exclusive professional formulas) CoQmax CF and each softgel is 50 mg. I take it during the middle of my dinner meal to make sure it gets absorbed in enough solids.
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Postby BSGfan » Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:45 pm

Related question re Q-10 supplementation and gastrointestinal distress.

Any evidence that Q-10 supplementation can aggravate gall bladder disease or promote the formation of gall stones?
Posts: 73
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:00 pm

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