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PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:23 pm
by chicountry
I have had lymph nodes removed in conjunction with breast cancer surgery, and am therefore susceptible to lymphedema. However I never had a trace of it in the 7 years since my surgery until I started taking Crestor. The lymphedema appeared within days. My doctor insists it is unrelated, but I am not convinced. I took the Crestor for 5 weeks, and stopped 1 week ago. So far I have not seen much change in the lymphedema symptoms, but am hoping for improvement. If anyone has a similar situation, or advice, it would be appreciated.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:48 am
by Ray Holder
In Dr Peter Langsjoen's original paper on coenzyme Q10, there are references to the beneficial effects received by some ladies with your original problem through taking Q10.

That being so, it would seem that the converse might also be true, that is, that reduction of Q10 in one's body by statin use could bring about a worsening of the situation, I am no expert, but it would appear logical.
