FDA/simvastation with amidarone....

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FDA/simvastation with amidarone....

Postby catspajamas » Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:25 pm

I get bulletins from the FDA...they are warning against using simvastatin with amidaarone.....increases risk of rhabdomyalysis, kidney failure and increased arrhythmia.....Thought I would post this in case someone is on both of these and having problems......
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Postby SusieO » Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:32 am

My Mother takes lovastatin and amiodarone - you think she will listen to me - NO WAY! She says "but my doctor says I need it". :x She has heart arrhythmias all the time and had her heart shocked two times this year all ready! :cry:
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Postby catspajamas » Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:47 pm

Sorry to hear about your moms problems...can you go with her to the doctor and inform him of the FDA warnings?....He can switch her to another statin if your mom thinks she needs it...How old is she?....I don't think anyone over 70 in generally good health otherwise should take statins...there are other alternatives...A statin isn't going to help arrithmia...only make it worse as you are seeing....granted I am not a dr...just a old nurse with 50 yr old knowledge...but I know enough to look into medicine side effects.
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