Nine cases ALS in 310 form global petition - six had Lipitor

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Nine cases ALS in 310 form global petition - six had Lipitor

Postby xrn » Fri Dec 14, 2007 8:37 pm

Updated: In 310 people, I now see that 9 have reported ALS, following taking statins and 6 of them were taking Lipitor.

My brief letter to the FDA, on learning that they have just refused Merck for the third time, to make statins an over the counter medicine in the USA.

Comment on the WSJ journal article here...


Dear Sirs, I am worried by the use of statins generally and more specifically, the possibility that they may be implicated in the development of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). I have been running a petition with the purpose of inviting the World Health Organisation to initiate an impartial investigation into statins.

The adverse effects appear to be frequent and serious. In 310 self-reported commentaries from signatories, nine have developed ALS and of these, six were taking Lipitor. The frequency of Rhabdomyolysis is put at double that of ALS and one person reported Rhabdomyolysis and another person reported what they had called "near Rhabdomyolysis".

On that basis, I don't believe that I should have found 9 cases of ALS. given the incidence of ALS that is thought to be 2 cases per 100,000 globally, the mathematical probability is 1 divided by (50 000^9) = 5.12 × 10-43 and that appears to be improbable.

Regardless of the complaints that statisticians can make about the sample, any refusal to see that something is awry would be very difficult to justify.

I am more than willing to supply you with a PDf file of the first 100 comments that I have analysed and also the file of signatories comments. They are each permitted to make use of a 500 word comment that they can append in support of their signature.

Posts: 244
Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:19 am
Location: Bedfordshire UK

Postby Brian C. » Sat Dec 15, 2007 4:48 am

The Pharmaceutical companies (especially Pfizer) are now rattled. This is the beginning of the end of their statin gravy train.

Be of good cheer folks, the end of the scam is in sight.

Watch how aggressive their counter-campaign becomes, a sign of desperation.

Hope no one is holding Pfizer stock ;o)

Brian C.
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Postby carbuffmom » Sat Dec 15, 2007 9:51 am

Hi Jeff:

On behalf of all of us statin induced ALS patients out there, I thank you for all of the hard work you have done. Your efforts are being noticed and we are all grateful.

Posts: 131
Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:07 am

Postby xrn » Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:46 am

I have not really started yet, Deb. It will happen though. No need to thank me... it is what any decent human being would be doing if it was not me.

take care,
Posts: 244
Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:19 am
Location: Bedfordshire UK

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